Free Download Schrodinger Suites 2025-1 | 7.8 Gb
The software developerSchrödingercontinuously strive to develop scientific solutions that push the boundaries of molecular design and are delighted to share enhanced drug discovery and materials workflows inSchrödinger’s 2025-1software release
Owner:Schrödinger, LLC
Product Name:Schrödinger Suites
Version:2025-1 Commercial Version
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:7.8 Gb.
Small Molecule Drug Discovery
Target Validation & Structure Enablement
Protein Preparation
– Improved peptide bond connectivity by better integration of sequence information in the Protein Preparation Workflow (PPW)
Protein X-Ray Refinement
– Phenix/OPLS can now run from CIF files containing reflections
Cryo-EM Model Refinement
– Improved support of macrocycles in GlideEM/GlideXtal
Binding Site & Structure Analysis
Binding Site Characterization
– Rationalize kinase selectivity challenges using the Kinase Conservation Analysis Interface that combines sequence and complex structural information: Identify promising selectivity handle residues to modulate ligand kinase selectivity that can be tested with FEP+ Residue Scan
Desmond Molecular Dynamics
– Optimize the unbinding kinetics of protein-ligand complexes using dissolution rate predictions based on unbinding pathways identified by enhanced sampling methods
Mixed Solvent MD (MxMD)
– Identify potential binding sites and assess drugability of competitive and allosteric binding sites with the full release of a Mixed Solvent Molecular Dynamics Interface to setup and analyze MxMD simulations
Hit Identification & Virtual Screening
Active Learning Applications
– Improved diversity of top scoring ligands in Active Learning ABFEP by using 3D features extracted from Glide poses in ML model building
– Researchers can now specify different batch sizes and selection rules to exploit or explore for each iteration in Active Learning simulations
Lead Optimization
Protein FEP
– View trajectories and structural output from FEP+ Residue Scans in the FEP+ interface
– Rationalize key interactions in ligand binding using per-contact residue interaction energy analysis which is new for ABFEP
– Easily identify disconnected sub-maps in a busy FEP map
– More accurate NMR spectra predictions by identifying magnetically inequivalent nuclei
– Automatically enumerate and cyclize peptide sequences from FASTA files with the new script
– Ring template generation for Glide macrocycle docking with bespoke parameters is now automated by the script
– An updated script with greater control of sampling options and a new receptor-aware macrocycle sampling algorithm that includes surrounding receptor atoms to restrict conformational search space
. Updated script replaces
– Improved handling of ring nitrogen atom substituents during ring template conformation generation
– now supports 2D ligand files as inputs
– exposes several new command-line options that allow finer control of the alignment convergence criteria which are useful in reducing convergence times for large molecules such as cyclic peptides
Medical Chemistry Design
Ligand Designer
– Enable user-specificed or automatically generated ligand protonation and tautomeric states from the 2D/3D editing workflow for MCS Docking
Biologics Drug Discovery
– Completely rewritten MMGBSA Residue Scanning backend that is more reliable and has improved support for a wider variety of non-standard amino acids and mutation of DNA/RNA
– New high-throughput, machine learning-based antibody and nanobody structure prediction with ImmuneBuilder. With throughput of about one minute per structure, it is suitable for batch modeling of thousands of structures
– Automatically identify and annotate for visualization TCR alpha and beta chains from a FASTA file (commandline
– Updated N-glycosylation PROSITE pattern that is less restrictive
Materials Science
GUI for Quantum ESPRESSO
Product: Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) Interface
– Workflow solution to calculate the defect energy
– Workflow action menu (WAM) for output from periodic DFT convergence test
– Support for setting total magnetization/charge for each structure
– Support for computing thermodynamic properties via dynmat.x (command line)
– Support for stopping an NEB calculation and returning intermediate structures
Materials Informatics
Product: MS Informatics
– Formulation ML: Option to control advanced settings
– Machine Learning Property: Skip structures outside the model scope
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of singlet (S0) to triplet (T1) energy
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of hole / electron reorganization energy
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of orbital (HOMO / LUMO) energy
– Machine Learning Property: Updates to existing models
Coarse-Grained (CG) Molecular Dynamics
Product: MS CG
– Automated CG Mapping: Mapping MARTINI for speciality chemicals / polymers
– CG FF Builder: Support for exporting atomistic reference data
Dielectric properties
Product: MS Dielectric
– Complex Permittivity: Linear fitting parameter retained during exponential fitting
Product: MS Reactivity
– Nanoreactor: Control over thermostat bath temperature
– Nanoreactor: Support for parallelization of xTB dynamics simulations
– Reaction Workflow: Support for the use of the xTB Hessian for transition states
– Reaction Workflow: Use of input conformers when conformation search fails
– Reaction Workflow: Improved SCF convergence for energy calculations
Product: MS Microkinetics
– Microkinetic Modeling: Improved speed/scalability by up to 2 orders of magnitude
– Microkinetic Modeling: Improved model for multiple catalysts / catalyst site types
– Microkinetic Modeling: Improved data visualization in the viewer
– Microkinetic Modeling: Job name shown in the viewer
Reactive Interface Simulator
Product: MS RIS
– Solid Electrolyte Interphase: Improved subjob queuing coordination
– Solid Electrolyte Interphase: Support for constant pressure (NpT) simulations (command-line)
MS Maestro Builders and Tools
– GUI panel to digitally design, manage, and visualize OLED devices
– Single Complex: Improved UI for better usability
– Solvate System: Support for generating multiple configurations by random seeds
Classical Mechanics
– Workflow solution to compute thin plane shear friction
– Barrier Potential for MD: Support for reading barrier information from entry
– Evaporation: Option to Description total number of molecules removed from the system
– Evaporation: Information tied to barriers (when applied) logged in the output
– Polymer Crosslink: Improved speed by efficient checking for ring spears
– Trajectory Density Analysis: Option to display multiple density depths
– Trajectory Density Analysis: Export option for 2D heat-map Description
Quantum Mechanics
– Workflow solution to Description phase diagrams based on energy
– Workflow solution to compute and analyze computational ellipsometry data
– QM Convergence Monitor: Easy access to the structure from the last step
Education Content
Life Science
– New tutorial: Refining crystallographic protein-ligand structures using GlideXtal and Phenix/OPLS
Materials Science
– New tutorial: Automated Martini Fitting for Coarse-Grained Simulations
– New tutorial: Thin Shear
– New tutorial: Defect Energy Calculation
– New tutorial: Optoelectronics Device Designer
– New tutorial: Computational Ellipsometry
– New tutorial: Phase Diagrams
– New tutorial: Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Li-ion Diffusion in Solid State Electrolytes
– Updated tutorial: Microkinetic Modeling
– Updated tutorial: Organometallic Complexes
What’s upcoming in 2025-1
– Extended support for biologics drug discovery: Synchronous selection between Sequence Viewer and 3D Visualizer, support for biologic entities in models which expect atomistic representation, and enhancements for handling non-canonical monomers throughout the application
– Data import performance improvements: Faster small molecule file import and large enumeration result import
– Enhanced formula capabilities: Support multiple value inputs to a formula and align multiple value outputs from a formula by experiment, lot, or pose
Schrödinger Softwareprovide accurate, reliable, and high performance computational technology to solve real-world problems in life science research. It can be used to build, edit, run and analyse molecules. The Schrödinger-Suite of applications have a graphical user interface called Maestro. Using the Maestro you can prepare your structure for refinement. The following products are available: CombiClide, ConfGen, Core Hopping, Desmond, Epik, Glide, Glide, Impact, Jaguar ( high-performance ab initio package), Liaison, LigPrep, MacroModel, MCPRO+, Phase, Prime, PrimeX, QikProp, QSite, Semi-Empirical, SiteMap, and Strike.
Schrödinger Release – New Features 2025-1
Schrödinger, LLCprovides scientific software solutions and services for life sciences and materials research, as well as academic, government, and non-profit institutions around the world. It offers small-molecule drug discovery, biologics, materials science, and discovery informatics solutions; and PyMOL, a 3D molecular visualization solution. The company was founded in 1990 and is based in Portland, Oregon with operations in the United States, Europe, Japan, and India.