Free Download Green Parties, Green Future: From Local Groups to the International Stage by Per Gahrton
English | 2015 | ISBN: 0745333451 | 240 Pages | EPUB | 1.1 MB
Even as the world has struggled to deal with ever-more-threatening environmental problems, Green parties around the world have made great political strides in the past four decades.
Green parties have been elected to parliaments and local governments, and a common set of Green priorities has begun to play a major role at all levels of political decision making.
This book traces that rise and explores questions vital to the future of Green politics on the international stage. Drawing on the experience of Green parties worldwide, Per Gahrton tells the story of the expansion and development of the movement and addresses crucial questions of what may happen as Green parties become more accustomed to wielding power. It will be essential reading for Green and progressive activists around the globe, as well as for anyone interested in environmental issues.