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Is It Possible For You To Sleep With And Date The HOTTEST Women In The World Without Being Rich and Good Looking?"
I am going to lay out the 3 biggest problems men like you are facing in the dating world today
and the 3 solutions.
Problem #1
You see a hot woman that you would give anything to date, you see her perfect figure, her smooth seductive curves, the way she walks is enticing. The very site of her makes you crazy and you think to yourself "I want to talk to her, I want to make her mine, but I had no Idea what to say." You are crippled by fear and once again, your anxiety prevents you from approaching her. You close the door on opportunity.
Problem #2
You’re out at night with friends or maybe you’re just at the store by yourself. You end up in a situation where you’re now engaging in conversation with a beautiful woman. Her eyes are lit up, they’re stunning. Her lips are full and moving, you’re practically hypnotized. You’re talking and it’s going ok but now you’re not making sense. It’s happened again. You’re running out of things to say. You’re babbling on and you start thinking "I should ask her out" "I should at least get her number" but you don’t. Once again, you’re at a loss. You move on and try to forget about her.
Problem #3
You have women in your life. You sleep with girls every once and a while maybe you even have a girlfriend but you know you can do better. You know you aren’t satisfied sexually or emotionally by the girls that you’ve been seeing but you have no idea how to upgrade. You know you deserve better.
If you’re ready to upgrade your life, I’ve got good news for you.
Solution #1
The reason that you feel the anxiety and the fear that rises from your stomach into your face when you see a beautiful woman is because you have not been taught WHAT TO SAY. It’s not as easy as going to up and saying "you’re beautiful." You know this and that’s why you get nervous. You lack confidence but you would have the confidence you needed if there was a system for approaching these types of women. You know there must be an easier way, a formula that you plug in, in order to eradicate that fear, and there is.
Solution #2
You’re running out of things to say because of your own self-doubt. "Is she going to think this is cool?" "Maybe I’m just a boring guy." NONE of this is true. You need to learn how you can talk forever and stop running out of things to say. You need to be told exactly what to talk about in long form conversations and how to be an engaging speaker. You need to become a guy that sparks a woman’s interest and has her dying for more.
Solution #3
You need to become a higher caliber of man in order to attract a higher caliber of woman. How do you do this without becoming rich, famous, or incredibly good looking?
Men that are rich, famous, and good looking who attract beautiful women all have one thing in common:
They make women laugh, they have the confidence to get sexual with women, they are uninhibited in conversation and can hold a woman’s attention for hours and have her dying for more. They speak with charisma and confidence. They do not run out of things to say because they are free and uninhibited.
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