Free Download An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics, Vol. 1 & 2 by Elliot Leader, Enrico Predazzi
English | 1996 | ISBN: 052146840X; 0521496179 | 1007 pages | PDF | 12 Mb
Series: Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology
This book is a comprehensive and unified treatment of modern theoretical and experimental particle physics aimed at beginning graduate students. The emphasis throughout is on presenting underlying physical principles in a simple and intuitive way. In 1983, researchers detected the existence of W and Z bosons and many new results have followed. This is the first graduate-level textbook to deal with the "second generation" of particle physics after 1983. Features of this edition include: A detailed discussion of higher order electroweak effects; an expanded discussion of quark mixing; revised sections on charm and beauty and on jet physics; enlarged treatment of deep inelastic lepton-adron scattering; detailed treatment of QCD corrections to the simple parton model; and an introduction to the nonperturbative or confinement region of QCD.
Volume 2 deals at some length with CP-violation, but is mainly devoted to QCD and its application to "hard" processes. The authors briefly cover "soft" hadronic physics, also. This work will provide a comprehensive reference and textbook for all postgraduate students and researchers interested in modern particle physics.